BlueScope Library

Find the information you need from BlueScope. The BlueScope Library provides a large range of resources including Product Datasheets, Technical Bulletins, Brochures, Environmental Product Declarations and Safety Datasheets.

The information and advice contained in these files is of a general nature only and has not been prepared with your specific needs in mind. BlueScope Steel Limited makes no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or currency of these files and accepts no liability for errors in, or omissions from, these files or your reliance on these files. Please refer to the website Terms of Use for full conditions.

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BlueScope Steel Product Solutions for Bushfire Areas - NASH Bushfire Standard

A guide to the general application of TRUECORE® steel for framing and COLORBOND® steel for roofing, walling, fascia and guttering when buildings are designed using the NASH Standard for Steel Framed Construction in Bushfires Areas.

BSI Certificate of Registration: Environmental Management System - ISO 14001:2015

Certifies that BlueScope Australian Steel Products Manufacturing operates an Environmental Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015 for the scope outlined on the certificate.

BSI Certificate of Registration: Quality Management System ISO 9001:2015

Certifies that BlueScope Australian Steel Products Manufacturing operates a Quality Management System which complies with the requirements of ISO 9001:2015 for the scope outlined on the certificate.

Environmental Product Declaration (EPD): GALVASPAN® steel

GALVASPAN® steel Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) in accordance with ISO 14025 and EN 15804:2012+A2:2019

GALVASPAN® steel G450 Datasheet

Hot-dipped zinc-coated structural steel with a spangled surface and guaranteed minimum yield strength of 450MPa. Suitable for rollforming to a minimum internal diameter of 4t.

GALVASPAN® steel G500 Datasheet

Hot-dipped zinc-coated structural steel with a spangled surface and guaranteed minimum yield strength of 500MPa. Suitable for rollforming to a minimum internal diameter of 4t.

GALVASPAN® steel G550 Datasheet

Hot-dipped zinc-coated structural steel with a spangled surface and guaranteed minimum yield strength of 550MPa. Suitable for rollforming to a minimum internal diameter of 4t.

Global GreenTag GreenRate™ certificate - TRUECORE® steel, ZINCALUME® steel, DECKFORM® steel/Low Glare DECKFORM® steel, GALVABOND® steel & GALVASPAN® steel
ResponsibleSteel™ certification Port Kembla Steelworks - Building Sustainable Futures

ResponsibleSteel™ is the industry’s first global multi-stakeholder standard and certification program. It has been designed to ensure customers, stakeholders and consumers can be confident that the steel they use has been sourced and produced responsibly.

Safety Data Sheet Zinc Metal Coated Steel Strip and Sheet

Safety Datasheet provides information on Zinc Metal Coated Steel Strip and Sheet (including GALVABOND® steel, GALVAFORM® steel, GALVASPAN® steel, TUBEFORM® steel, ZINC HI-TEN® steel, ZINCFORM® steel and ZINCMATTE® steel)

Specify with Confidence

Product Reference Guide - A guide to specifying steel from BlueScope.

Steel Sustainability Australia (SSA) Verified Supplier Certificate - BlueScope Steel Limited

This certificate verifies that the nominated manufacturing sites and manufactured products are compliant to the requirements of Credit 4.1 Steel Supply Sourcing of the Steel Sustainability Australia Certification Program.

Storage and Handling of BlueScope Products

BlueScope provides these guidelines to customers as an input into a customers’ risk assessment process for the storage of steel coil, plate, sheet and long products supplied by BlueScope.

Technical Bulletin TB 07 - Care of BlueScope coated steel products prior to installation

This Technical Bulletin provides guidance on protection for metal coated and prepainted steel products whilst in storage and awaiting installation.

Technical Bulletin TB 14 - Professionals guide to Australian Standards for steel sheet and strip products

This Technical Bulletin sets out to identify standards and codes that are relevant to the manufacture of metallic coated steel and prepainted steel products intended for use in common building applications.

Technical Bulletin TB 17 - Selection guide for zinc-coated steel purlin products

This Technical Bulletin provides the appropriate purlin coating class for use in a range of common building applications. It provides guidance and information regarding factors which must be considered to ensure maximum service life of zinc-coated steel purlin products.

World Steel Association Climate Action Certificate - BlueScope Steel Limited

This certificate recognises BlueScope's participation in the worldsteel Climate Action data collection program.

World Steel Association Climate Action Certificate - Port Kembla Steelworks

This certificate recognises BlueScope's (Port Kembla Steelworks) participation in the worldsteel Climate Action data collection program.

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